9:00 AM Classes for all ages - coffee, tea, & donuts
10:00 AM Worship Service
Nursery provided
All CBC children's workers have had background checks and have received training from Protect My Ministry
6:00 PM Evening Service
Singing, Testimonies, Prayers, Reading of Scripture
Teaching: New Testament book,
I Corinthians (Started August 6, 2023)
6:30 PM Corporate Prayer
6:30 PM Wednesday Kids Class
7:00 PM Teaching: Titus
First Sunday - Lord's Supper @ 10:00 AM
Second Sunday - Family Night @ 6:00 PM
Tuesdays - Ladies Bible Study:
Resumes Tuesday, September 10, 2024
9:30 am - 11:30 am
10 Week Study of Ezekiel with Mrs. Merilynn Zakhem
Freewill Offering for Moses Ministries / India
Men's Breakfast & Bible Study
Third Saturday of Every Month
8 AM -- 9:15 AM
Bring your appetite and a Bible!
RSVP: here or 303-979-4409 (leave a message, please)
or, call 303-881-0044, Pastor George Abbas, Jr
All-Singles Koinonia Fellowship
Fourth Sunday of Every Month
Singles meet after 10:00 am service for lunch at different restaurants each month.